Friday, August 9, 2024

In Support of Harris and Walz

Delegates of the Democratic National Convention in a virtual roll call vote (completed on August 6) officially certified Vice President Kamala Harris and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as the Party’s nominees for President and Vice President in the upcoming November election. 

How greatly the political landscape changed in just four weeks! On July 13,  ex-President Trump was wounded by a young man who apparently sought to assassinate him.

Then on the 21st, just eight days later, Pres. Biden announced that he would not accept the Democratic Party’s nomination for POTUS.

Beginning the very afternoon of Biden’s announcement and his endorsement of his Vice President to be the Democratic nominee, there was an outpouring of verbal and financial support for VP Kamala Harris.

In light of the overwhelming early support received by Harris, virtual voting by the DNC delegates began on August 1, and by the next day, Kamala already had enough votes for the nomination. Now, she and her pick as a running mate are the  Democratic candidates for the election to be held in just 88 days.

The nation’s short-term, and perhaps long-term, future depends greatly on the November 5 voting outcome. This is the fateful decision facing the country: will voters elect Kamala Harris rather than “the worst presidential nominee in U.S. history,” as I dubbed Donald Trump in my July 20 blog post?

There is also this worrying question in the minds of many: if Harris is elected, will Trump accept the election results? Or once again will he claim that the election was stolen and seek to use unlawful means to attain election?

Kamala Harris has my full support. When in 2019 there began to be talk of who the Democratic candidate might be in 2020, Harris was my first choice. I already thought Joe Biden was too old to be President. (Now, though, I think he has done a very commendable job—and was wise to “pass the torch.”)

Kamala has a diverse religious background, but she has long been a member of Third Baptist Church in San Francisco. She is quite complimentary of her pastor, Rev. Dr. Amos C. Brown, as is he of her.*1

On July 22, Thinking Friend Brian Kaylor posted “The Next Baptist President of the United States?” on his blog (here). It was largely about the interview he had with Brown in 2020. The elderly pastor told Brian that Kamala “is a role model for womanhood, and just human decency and dignity at its best.”

MAGA Christians, though, are highly critical of candidate Harris in many ways, including denigration of her Christian faith. At the Turning Point USA Believers’ Summit in West Palm Beach on July 26, TP president Charlie Kirk declared that Harris “stands against everything that we as Christians believe.”*2

Christian nationalist Lance Wallnau, says that Harris represents “the spirit of Jezebel in a way that will be even more ominous than Hillary (Clinton) because she’ll bring a racial component, and she’s younger.”

What about Harris’s pick for Vice President? Gov. Walz (b. 1964) has not been widely known nationally, but I think he was a good choice. In some ways, he reminds me of Harry Truman, another plainspoken Midwesterner, who 80 years ago in 1944 was elected VPOTUS.

Like Truman, Walz is more of a “commoner” than many high-profile politicians. JD Vance, the GOP VP candidate, graduated from Ohio State University (BA) and Yale (JD); Walz graduated from small Chadron State College (BS) in Nebraska, his home state, and Minnesota State University, Mankato, (MS).

Before becoming a politician, Vance practiced law for slightly under two years and then moved to San Francisco to work in the technology industry as a venture capitalist; Walz was a high school teacher and football coach for about ten years before entering politics.*3

Tim Walz and his wife, Gwen, were married in 1994, and they have two children, Hope (b. 2001) and Gus (b. 2006). They are affiliated with an Evangelical Lutheran Church in America congregation in St. Paul.

Please join me in support of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. I am confident that they will not only preserve our national democracy but will also work to enhance liberty and justice for all U.S. citizens—and will have compassion for the needy people residing in our country who are not citizens.  


*1 Brown (b. 1941) has been pastor of 3BC since 1976. That church is duly aligned with the American Baptist Churches USA and the National Baptist Convention USA. He is also currently the president of the San Francisco branch of the NAACP. Brian refers to him as “a civil rights icon.” You may also like to read this pertinent article about Brown posted by Sojourners on July 25.

*2 Donald Trump also spoke at that TP meeting, and among other things, he said, “Get out and vote. Just this time. You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what: it’ll be fixed, it’ll be fine. You won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians…. Get out, you’ve got to get out and vote. In four years, you don’t have to vote again, we’ll have it fixed so good you’re not going to have to vote.” (From Heather Cox Richardson’s July 26 newsletter.)

*3 Jess Piper had this to say (here) after hearing that Walz was to be the Dem. VP nominee: “Walz is so perfect for the job of VP. He’s a rural progressive. He’s my people. A dirt road Democrat. He’s a liberal guy who lives among conservative folks.” (Some of you may remember that I introduced Ms. Piper in my March 14 blog post.)




  1. So far, comments received from Thinking Friends have all been short, affirmative ones. Here is what they have said:

    "Wise article Leroy! Many thanks!" (Bob Hanson, Wisconsin)

    '"'m on your side. I look forward to getting your emails and today is a winner."(Marilyn Peot, Kansas City Northland, but moving to St. Louis next month.)

    "I join you and the millions of others in supporting this outstanding ticket for President. It is fun to have joy and excitement again in the public sector. This is hope and compassion taking the lead rather than fear and reaction. This IS a great nation when we are good and kind." (David Nelson, Kansas City Northland)

    "They have two votes at the Wrights! I am very excited about the ticket they represent." (Sue Wright, Liberty, Mo.)

    1. Also, "Leroy, I join you in supporting the Harris & Walz ticket. I join the movement for democracy. Upward and Onward!" (Johan Tredoux, Kansas side of the Kansas City metropolitan area)

    2. And then, "Good endorsement, Leroy. I couldn't agree more." (Truett Baker, Arizona)

  2. Don Wilson, another local Thinking Friend, just now send me the following email message:

    "Great post! I wholeheartedly agree with everything you have said. I haven’t been this excited about politics since Obama in 2008. My hope is that Kamala and Tim can win by a margin of such magnitude that Trump won’t have any chance of getting traction in what will likely be an effort to overturn the election results. ( I know that’s a bit of a 'pipe dream”') Thank you for this post!."

    1. Thanks for your comments, Don. It is hard to say what all may happen between now and election day, but your hope may not be a "pipe dream." From what I am reading, things Trump & Vance are saying now seems designed to lose them votes rather than to increase their support. If the election were to be on Sept. 5 rather than Nov. 5, I think Harris and Walz would win by a landslide.

  3. A few minutes ago I received the following comments from Thinking Friend Virginia Belk in New Mexico:

    "I agree that the Harris-Walz team is better in every way than the DJT-Vance pair to lead our country.

    "However, as long as Trump is in the mix, a debate is a waste of time. The latter does not debate; he whines and wanders, saying nothing of consequence. In fact, Elections should not be decided by debates! The last debate that in which I learned anything pertinent to my decision, was in the debates in which Mr. Obama participated.

    "Campaign discussions in which policy is illuminated, are much more effective and informative. Ms. Harris has been discussing pertinent topics and now Mr. Walz should fill in the gaps where his strengths as an administrator lie.

    "Time is short. We can hardly spare the time for a debate that at best, will be entertaining and at worst, will emphasize irrelevance! I sincerely hope our nominees are able to get the pertinent points our nation faces across to the people who are going to vote in this election."

    1. Thanks for your comments, Virginia. I am always glad to hear from you, especially since most of those who comment are men and I always also want to know what women are thinking.

      I have a different opinion about presidential debates, however--especially this year. It was because of Pres. Biden's "disastrous" debate performance on June 27 that so many of the Democratic Party leaders (as well as many of the general public, such as I) realized that he didn't have the physical strength and maybe not the mental acuity to serve another four years as POTUS. If it hadn't been for that debate, he could have, and probably would have, been defeated and the welfare of the nation would suffer again under Trump.

      As announced yesterday, the previously scheduled debate on ABC for September 10 has now been agreed upon by both candidates, and I think this will turn out in Harris's favor. Trump is now the old man with mental acuity problems, and I expect that to be highly apparent in the upcoming debate. It probably will be too late for him to drop out, but it will certainly be in time to turn many undecided voters, and maybe even some present supporters, away from him IMHO.

  4. Completely agree, and looking forward to another 4 years, at least, of decency.

  5. Thank you, Leroy, for this post. I find myself in Costa Rica in the interesting position of being the pastor of our little English congregation here and also the Chair of Democrats Abroad Grecia (our town) and also on the Executive Committee for Democrats Abroad Costa Rica. This mix of faith and politics might not the allowed if I were a pastor in the US, but here, mostly, there hasn't been a conflict. Our worshipping community is not for everyone, and some have visited once and never returned. Our motto is: Refreshingly progressive, radically inclusive, and socially concerned. That said, I do work at not having a "Democratic Party church," and am happy to say that I have a few GOP voters who have stuck with me. Oddly enough, when I preached on voting for "character" recently, some took offense!

    I am spending this year in a concerted effort to get out the vote internationally. (No big travel plans this year.) As states make it harder and harder to vote, we have to help people navigate whatever obstacles their voting state is putting up. Statistically, only 7.5% US voters overseas vote. If we can increase that to 10% or 20%, we have won! There is so much interest and excitement here now. Since people see my face and think "Democrat" or "Vote!" people approach me all the time for voting help. I will start phonebanking to overseas voters next week.

    I just finished reading Barbara McQuade's book on Disinformation. I was planning to do a book report at the next local Democrats Abroad meeting. Now the tide has turned. I'm not going to report on the book. In the short weeks like you mention, we have gone from "Let's be clear on the 10 points of an authoritarian regime" to smiles, laughter, and "isn't that just Weird??!!" Hope fills the air, as well as my heart. I was very slow to get on board with Biden stepping down. It just seemed too late. But they've done it. With impeccable strategy and people on the ticket who are just basically kind, happy, genuine, honest people. We're planning an inauguration gala here in Costa Rica!!

    1. Thanks so much, Lidia, for all you are doing in Costa Rica, and elsewhere, to help the Democratic Party's candidates in the November election.

      I assume the book you referred to his McQuade's 2024 book titled "Attack from Within: How Disinformation Is Sabotaging America." I haven't known about that book, but I think there has certainly been a lot of disinformation foisted on the public by Trump and MAGA Republicans ever since 2015, and I'm afraid that there will be a great deal of disinformation about Harris and Walz disseminated from now until the election.

    2. *Lydia (not Lidia). So sorry, Lydia, for the keyboarding error in writing your name!

  6. Thinking Friend Eric Dollard lives in Chicago and is an ELCA Lutheran; here are his comments:

    "Thanks, Leroy, for your endorsement of the Harris-Walz ticket, which I also support.

    "I have not heard any of Harris's policy positions; I suspect they are generally in line with those of Biden. She needs to project a positive, upbeat vision for America, in deep contrast with the very negative views spewed by Trump and Vance.

    "Biden has done a commendable job as president. I respect him for finally, and reluctantly, passing the torch to Harris. I do not believe he could have survived another four years in the White House. Now one of the issues in the campaign, and perhaps the main one, is the age and mental acuity of Trump, who is exhibiting signs of cognitive decline. I am much more optimistic now about the outcome of the election.

    "I am also pleased to see that an ELCA Lutheran is on the ticket.

    "JD Vance is a recent convert to Catholicism. Donald Trump's religion is Donald Trump."

    1. Thanks, as always, for your pertinent comments, Eric. I agree with what you wrote in the longest paragraph above, and as I wrote in response to Virginia above, Trump is now the old man with mental acuity problems, and I expect that to be highly apparent in the upcoming September 10 debate.

      I hadn't thought about Donald Trump's religion being Donald Trump, but that is probably a correct assessment of the situation--and I am perplexed by how he has lured so many MAGA Republicans into his religious cult.

  7. I'm with you for Harris/Wolz. Not a perfect ticket. But far-far-far preferable to Trump/Vance!

  8. I'm sorry to say that, due to the undemocratic electoral college, my vote in all likelihood will not count. But I'll vote anyway. We do have a shot at unseating Ted Cruz in the Senate.

    1. Thanks for your comments, Charles. The situation is very much the same here in Missouri. Regardless of what we do locally, it is quite certain that Trump will get all of Missouri's electoral votes. In the last six presidential elections, the Republican candidate has received all of Missouri's votes. But there is some hope that Sen. Hawley will be defeated, and what a difference it would be if both Cruz and Hawley were no longer in the Senate!

    2. Hawley may be even worse than Cruz, and that takes some doing!

  9. A few minutes ago, Thinking Friend Glenn Hinson in Kentucky sent the following comments by email:

    "I join you, Leroy. Both are worthy and able. With Harris our country will take three great leaps forward: A woman president, a black woman as president, a daughter of Asian immigrant as president! Walz is just downright good! I’ll do all I can to elect them. We cannot afford another Trump presidency. His 'Christian Nationalism' (which he owes to his Hungarian friend and to Putin) would destroy our Democracy. Note that he is telling 'Evangelicals"=' that they would not need to again. That is scary!"

    1. Thank you, Dr. Hinson, for your pertinent comments. Although there was some talk about Kentucky Gov. Beshear possibly being chosen as Harris's running mate, perhaps it is good that he remains in Kentucky to serve as a good Democratic governor in a Red state. And as you probably have heard, if Gov. Walz becomes VPOTUS, Peggy Flanagan, the Democratic Lt. Gov. of Minnesota, will become governor--and she would be the first Native American to serve as the governor of a U.S. state.

  10. I am "leaning" Harris/Walz, but I am still recovering from Genocide Joe's foreign policy disasters. Genocide Joe vs. Orange Antichrist Trump just broke "the lesser of two evils" for me. I hope to see enough daylight between Biden and Harris to give her a pass. America has behaved like a colony of fascist Israel since October 7, 2023, and in doing so has us on the brink of a truly catastrophic regional war in the Middle East, maybe even WW III. The military-industrial complex that Eisenhower warned the world about in his farewell address is going stronger than ever, and has generated a long series of disastrous foreign wars such as the current Ukraine war which we could have negotiated away before it started if we had just had serious security negotiations with Russia before the war finally boiled over. The MIC does not care if we win, or if the people where we fight survive, and we are cheerfully letting our Israeli proxies fight to the last Palestinian, and if needed, to the last Israeli.

    Netanyahu is to Judaism what Trump is to Christianity. That they both are terrible does not make Biden's caving to Netanyahu acceptable. We need to tell Netanyahu that if you dance to the music (of USA bombs), then you pay to the piper (of USA policy). That this still has not happened, even with the International Court formally charging Netanyahu with genocide, shows just how powerful the MIC remains. It is easy to blame AIPAC, which is planning to spend $100 million defeating progressive Democrats (such as Jamaal Bowman and Cori Bush), but it is itself much more funded by American billionaires than by Jewish donations.

    So, as I began, I am hopefully "leaning" towards Harris/Walz, but I am still very much considering heading for the wilderness with the prophets by voting for Jill Stein and the Green Party.

    1. After I went to bed last night, I received the following email from local Thinking Friend Dennis Boatright; he, Craig, and I used to attend the same Sunday School class every Sunday at Second Baptist Church here in Liberty. (He couldn't get his comments to post on the blog, so he sent them to me to post here.)

      "Craig, I have the same concerns as you on Israel and Gaza as you have heard me say, but you cannot visit the sins of the father upon the daughter. Harris is now free to be Harris, and I expect her to be a better Obama than Obama was. I will not support Jill Stein and her delusions about reality (which I learned about from you). I appreciate how your concerns could cause hesitation, but I have seen enough to be confident Harris/Walz is the right choice. The cynic in me says my disappointment could be as bad as it was with Obama, which really was not that bad in retrospect from where we are now. However, Leroy is trying to set me up for a big disappointment when Hawley wins since I am not optimistic there. He probably will say we could have a Democratic governor too. Fortunately the least weird of the three major candidates won the Republican primary."

    2. I will first respond to Craig, and then to Dennis:

      Craig, as I think I have said before, supporting Israel has been U.S. policy ever since the U. S. government under Harry Truman recognized the new nation of Israel. Pres. Biden has done what any other U.S. President would have done, and his support of Netanyahu has not been nearly as strong as that of the Congressional Republicans. It was House Speaker Johnson who invited Netanyahu to address Congress. I do not agree with our country's support of Israel and a strong advocate for the Palestinians, but I think it is unfair to lay all the blame on the President.

      I do agree with what you wrote about the military-industrial complex, as Eisenhower aptly called it, and, again, I don't think Pres. Biden is tied to the MIC as much as many other other top politicians, and certainly not as much as George W. Bush, who launched warfare 2001 and especially 2003. And who knows what lies ahead if Trump is re-elected this fall with his ties with the corporate world--and with Putin and Kim.

      If you want to vote for Jill Stein, that is your privilege, and it will likely not effect the outcome of the presidential election in Oregon, which has voted Blue in every presidential election since 1988 and will most likely do so again this year. But I hope your thinking doesn't influence your friends in the swing states where every vote for Harris-Walz is so important.

      One last thing: at a rally in Michigan on Wednesday, when Democratic nominee Kamala Harris was interrupted by pro-Palestinian protesters chanting “Kamala. Kamala. You can’t hide. We won’t vote for genocide,” she warned them: “If you want Donald Trump to win, then say that.” (From this Washington Post article:

    3. Dennis, now I will respond briefly to what you wrote about Missouri politics. I try to be neither optimistic nor pessimistic but realistic. It seems to me that Lucas Kunce has a real chance of winning the Senate seat over Hawley. I don't ever watch the MSNBC Morning Joe show, but I saw the YouTube video when they interviewed Kunce a couple of days ago. I have received mass produced emails from Kunce almost daily for months now, but I hadn't seen him on TV or YouTube previously. I was even more impressed with him than before at how poised and articulate he is. Hawley is one of the least liked of all Senators, and he is regularly criticized by articles in the Kansas City Star--and I would guess in the main St. Louis newspaper as well. If there is an increase of voters in Kansas City and St. Louis, as their is likely to be with Kamala on the ticket, I think, realistically in my opinion, that Kunce may well be elected.

      What about candidate Quade for governor? I think her election for governor is less likely than Kunce's is for the Senate, but if there is a Blue wave for Harris-Walz, she might get enough votes in Kansas City and St. Louis and even from her hometown of Springfield to become Missouri's first female governor. And don't forget that Jay Nixon, a Democrat, was elected Missouri governor in 2008 and re-elected in 2012.

    4. The Harris reply "If you want Donald Trump to win, then say that." reminds me of an exchange in Jesus Christ Superstar where Jesus answers: "Why waste your breath moaning at the crowd?/Nothing can be done to stop the shouting./If every tongue were stilled/The noise would still continue./The rocks and stone themselves would start to sing..." In this case the rocks and stones are the rubble that is left of Gaza. Why does she not join the International Court in condemning Israel's horrific behavior? Why does she not agree that genocide must stop? Why is she instead "moaning at the crowd" as if it is their fault?

      Perhaps it is just as well that Global Warming is not just coming, but is now appearing. Perhaps it is time for Judgment Day. Perhaps it is time for the Bible verse even Bill Clinton knew, "Where there is no vision, the people perish: But he that keepeth the law, happy is he." (Proverbs 29:18) Or, as Jem Bendell explains in exquisite detail in Breaking Together, our Imperial Modernist society is collapsing. Check out Bendell here:

    5. Thanks, Craig, for making further comments on this blog post. I have seen "Jesus Christ Superstar" three or four times, but I don't particularly remember the lyrics that you cited, but I assume they were sung in reference to what is usually called Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Luke 19:40 says, "“I tell you, if these were silent, the stones would shout out.” I thought your statement, "In this case the rocks and stones are the rubble that is left of Gaza," was striking, and I agree that people (and even the stones) need to cry out because of what was happening in Gaza. But the context of the biblical words and VP presidential campaign are quite different to say the least. 

      The Vice President's position on Israel/Gaza is quite difficult, and I don't think we know what she will do when she is elected President. But she first has to be elected, and she needs to get Independents and former-Trumpers to vote for her. That means walking a very fine line between the supporters of Israel and sympathizers with the Palestinians. As VP she can't strongly disagree with the POTUS, and any criticism of Israel (more than she has also implied by her absence from Netanyahu's speech before Congress) will lead to her being accused as being anti-Semitic. After she is elected, I expect her to call for a quick and total ceasefire and to be far more supportive of the Palestinians. But in order for her to do much of anything significant after January about the terrible situation in Gaza, she has to win the election. And what she said to the protesters was in keeping with that huge short-term goal. -- In this regard, you might be interested in reading the following article written by Swati Sharma, the Editor-in-Chief of VOX:https:

      Thanks for the link to Jem Bendell's book. I had asked Mid-Continent Public Library to add that book to their collection, and this morning I found that the book is now available. I asked for it to be put on hold for me, and I will no doubt be the first to check it out--but I certainly hope I won't be the last. And then I downloaded the free ePub version of the book, which I now have on my computer to read. I don't expect, though, that what he says will be any more compelling that what William Catton wrote long ago, what Michael Dowd provided on videos over the last few years (before his untimely death last year), or what Brian McLaren says in his new book "Life After Doom," all of which I regard highly and have written about in my blog posts.

      You may want to check the more modern translations of Prov. 29:18. In the early years of my ministry, I used to quote that verse from the KJV, but the more recent translations are quite different. For example, the Complete Jewish Bible's translation (published in 1998) is "Without a prophetic vision, the people throw off all restraint; /  but he who keeps 'Torah' is happy.

  11. Another local Thinking Friend sent these comments:

    "Leroy, WE TWO are together on Harris. However, Nate Silver thinks Trump is on track to win the Electoral College vote. So, is it going to be here we go again?"

    1. I have the same concern about the electoral college results, but here is what I just saw this morning:

      "Vice President Kamala Harris leads former President Donald J. Trump in three crucial battleground states, according to new surveys by The New York Times and Siena College, the latest indication of a dramatic reversal in standing for Democrats after President Biden’s departure from the presidential race remade it.

      "Ms. Harris is ahead of Mr. Trump by four percentage points in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan, 50 percent to 46 percent among likely voters in each state. The surveys were conducted from Aug. 5 to 9."

      From a post this morning by The New York Times:

  12. Yesterday evening, Thinking Friend Michael Olmsted shared the following comments:

    "RIGHT ON!!!

    "This is the opportunity to move toward a more unified country and a period of progress rather than the empty selfish agenda of Trump who has shown himself as nothing more than a selfish crooked excuse that will only increase our divisions and divert our attention from the need to establish trust, cooperation, and honest values.

    "We not only need an HONEST president but one who will turn our attention back to what we can be and do to act as an example of democracy, freedom, and a better world for all.

    "My family history traces all the way back to the earliest English settlers in America ... men who fought in the Revolution, the Civil War, WW I, WW II, and modern times. I am proud to be an American, but I understand that I must be true to this nation now and not just sit back and let a selfish excuse be our president. Freedom is not free! It requires honest values, citizens who make the dream come true, and INTEGRITY.

    May God help us seek honesty, integrity, and compassion for the generations to come. May God help us see the truth and cherish it!"
