Although it is still three weeks until Mother’s Day, I am writing today about taking care of Mother Earth.
This week marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, so it is a
fitting time to think about taking care
of our planet.
The First Earth Day
Earth Day was first observed on April 22, 1970. Do you old-timers remember that
important event that celebrates its 50th birthday this week?
To be honest, I don’t remember that day. I was living and teaching in
Japan at that time, struggling at the beginning of a new semester to teach
Christian Studies in Japanese to hundreds of university students. And at home,
June was in the third trimester of her pregnancy with our third child.
Actually, though, for the first 20 years, Earth Day was mainly an event
celebrated in the U.S. and did not become international until 1990. But those
early years were important for the environmental movement in the U.S.
Gaylord Nelson, the Democratic Senator from Wisconsin, was the founder of
Earth Day. In 1995, Nelson (1916~2005) was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in recognition of his environmental work.
In its beginning, Earth Day was bipartisan in its support and
appeal. The co-chair who served with Sen. Nelson was Pete McCloskey, who was at
the time a Republican U.S. Representative from California.
One of the ongoing effects of that first Earth Day was
the establishment of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). President Nixon
proposed the establishment of the EPA in July 1970 and it began operation in
December of that year after he signed an executive order.
The Clean Air Act of 1963 came under the aegis of the EPA, and then the
Clean Water Act of 1972 and the Endangered Species Act of 1973 were signed into
law by President Nixon.
Yes, taking care of Mother Earth used to be a bipartisan concern.
Earth Day Now
There are extensive plans for the celebration of Earth Day 2020, and I
encourage you to check out the website (here) for this year’s events,
which they say will be “the largest secular observance in the world, marked by
more than a billion people.”
Enthusiastic observance of Earth Day in the U.S. is especially important
now, for the Trump Administration has rolled back many of the
programs/activities that started 50 years ago.
days ago, PBS posted “During the Coronavirus Crisis, the Trump
Administration’s Environmental Rollbacks Continue.” And it has already been two
and a half years since PBS aired “War on the EPA”
on their 10/11/17 Frontline presentation.
Much of that war on the EPA, as documented in the PBS program, was led by
Scott Pruitt, DJT’s first appointed head of the Agency. Pruitt, a conservative
Southern Baptist from Oklahoma, served as head of the EPA from February 2017 to
July 2018.
It was no surprise to learn (from
this 3/27/18 CBN article) that Pruitt was “one of President Donald Trump's Cabinet
members who sponsors and attends a weekly Cabinet Bible study led by Ralph
Drollinger, president and founder of Capitol Ministries.”
(If you missed reading my previous
blog post about Drollinger, check
it out here.)
Things did not improve much when Andrew
Wheeler became head of the EPA in February of last year. He previously worked in the law firm that represented a coal
magnate and lobbied against the Obama Administration's environmental
Yes, much needs to be done to take care of Mother Earth—not only
because of what is being undone now but also because of the many necessary
things that have not yet been done.
And don’t forget, as I quoted at the beginning of the only
other blog post I made about Earth Day (here,
seven years ago), “The earth is the LORD's, and the fulness thereof; the
world, and they that dwell therein” (Psalm 24:1, KJV).