President has been impeached. But more about that next time. This article is
about seeking to subvert the “culture of contempt” that was so evident in the
impeachment hearings. The message of Advent (and Christmas) is hope, peace,
love, and joy. How we need this message in the U.S. where the
culture of contempt is so prevalent—and yes, so contemptible!
from Arthur Brooks
C. Brooks, the Washington Post columnist and professor of public leadership at the John F. Kennedy School of Government
at Harvard University, is the author of a book published in March of this year.
You have previously heard the words of the title of that book: Love Your
That is certainly not an original title—but the subtitle is: How Decent People Can Save America from the Culture of Contempt.
Brooks (b. 1964) is a political conservative, and I disagree
with many of his political positions. But I fully agree with what he writes in
his new book—and with Nebraska Republican Senator Ben Sasse, who is quoted on
the back cover of the book:
If you are satisfied with our toxic ideological climate, then don’t bother reading this book. But if you’d like to rebel against the present nonsense, Arthur Brooks can show you how to do it with joy and confidence—regardless of your political preferences. If we follow the lessons in Love Your Enemies, better times lie ahead for America.
Help from These Five Rules
In the Conclusion, Brooks advocates “Five
Rules to Subvert the Culture of Contempt.” Rather than repeating his five rules,
I am sharing a helpful statement about each one.
1) “Stand up to people on your own side who
trash people on the other side.” Since contempt is destructive, whenever we
read or hear words of contempt, to subvert the culture of contempt we need to
speak up, kindly, in opposition to those words.
2) “Seeking out what those on the other side
have to say will help you understand others better.” Whenever we read or hear
words with which we strongly disagree, we first need to seek to understand why
the writer/speaker wrote or spoke such words.
3) Here is a point that Brooks makes
repeatedly: “never treat others with contempt, even if you believe they
deserve it.” Contempt never causes others to change for the better and is
“always harmful for the contemptor.”
4) Brooks also encourages his readers to
“disagree better” and to “be part of a healthy competition of ideas.” He
writes, “The single biggest way a subversive can change America is not by
disagreeing less, but by disagreeing better—engaging in earnest
debate while still treating everyone with love and respect.”
5) Finally, Brooks advocates tuning out,
disconnecting more from unproductive debates. “Unfollow public figures [and
social media ‘friends’] who foment contempt, even if you agree with them.”
Trying It Out
because of Brooks’s book, I have been reading, and trying to understand without
contempt, two books with which I have strong disagreements.
Dark Agenda: The Way to Destroy Christian
America (2018) was written by David Horowitz, the son
of Jewish parents who in 2015 identified as an agnostic. Even though Jewish,
Horowitz (b. 1939) dedicated his book to his wife and to three “Christian
And on the back cover, Horowitz’s book receives
praise from the ultra-conservative Christian politician Mike Huckabee.
Reading some of that book with the desire to
subvert the culture of contempt helped me understand why Horowitz, and many
religious and political conservatives, think the way they do.
Although the book contains much I strongly
disagree with, reading it with the goal of gaining deeper insight into why
conservatives think the way they do was beneficial. And I realize afresh that I
can view Horowitz as a good and honorable man—even though wrong in many of his
ideas!—without having contempt for him.
The same goes for Star Parker, author of Necessary
Noise: How Donald Trump Inflames the Culture War and Why This is Good News for
America (2019). Parker (b. 1956) is an active Christian as well as an
African American woman who has been a strong supporter of President Trump.
During the Christmas season—and throughout the
new year—let’s work together to subvert the culture of contempt, for the good
of the country and the world.
Christmas to all!