Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated for his
second term as POTUS on March 4, 1865. The brief inaugural address he gave that
day has been called “Lincoln’s greatest speech.”

Remarkably, White takes more than 180
pages to examine, to explain, and to evaluate Lincoln’s 703-word speech delivered
150 years ago. (To give you some sense of how short that inaugural address was,
my blog articles are generally around 600 words.)
I greatly enjoyed reading White’s
book this month and highly recommend it.
Remarkably, Lincoln’s inaugural speech
is also the first chapter of the book The
Greatest Sermons Ever Preached (2005), compiled by Tracey D. Lawrence. That
book includes sermons by John Wesley, Dwight L. Moody, and Billy Graham—and
also Tony Campolo’s sermon “It’s Friday, but Sunday’s Comin’” that I recently
mentioned (here).
For a President’s inaugural speech to
be included in a book of only 19 of the greatest sermons ever preached is quite
amazing. But calling it a sermon is not something new. On the day he heard it, African-American
statesman Frederick Douglass remarked, “The address sounded more like a sermon
than a state paper.”
Since the Civil War was drawing to a
close and the Union victory close at hand, many thought Lincoln would talk
about the triumph of the North over the South, or even the triumph of good over
evil. But the President sought to be conciliatory rather than divisive and to
be compassionate rather than vindictive.
Lincoln talked about what the people
of the country had in common, not about their differences. According to White,
Lincoln “spoke out against a tribal God, on the side of the North, and spoke
instead of an inclusive God—inclusive, as Lincoln would explain, in both
judgment and reconciliation” (p. 113).
White writes (in 2002), “No
president, before or since, has so courageously pointed to a malady that
resides at the very center of the American national family” (p 150). And,
“While the audience wanted to hear words of self-congratulation, Lincoln
continued to explain the implications of the judgment of God” (p. 203).
In reading these statements, I
couldn’t help but think how the current President resembles Lincoln in many
ways. And just as in the present day there are some who have nothing good to
say about President Obama, most of Lincoln’s critics responded only negatively
to his inaugural address.
One of the most positive appraisals
was by The Spectator, the venerable British magazine:
Mr. Lincoln has persevered through all without ever giving way to anger, or despondency, or exultation, or popular arrogance, or sectarian fanaticism, or caste prejudice, visibly growing in force of character, in self-possession, and in magnanimity.
Lincoln’s closing paragraph is
especially powerful. It begins with those oft-quoted words,
With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation’s wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan—to do all which may achieve and cherish a just, and a lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations.