The Christian Church (Disciples
of Christ) is a denomination I have known about since I was a boy in Worth
County, MO. One of the three churches in my home town back then was the
Christian Church. My parents and I from time to time would talk with our
neighbors, the Gates family, about the Christian Church, of which they were
active members.
Yesterday I had the privilege of
preaching in a Disciples of Christ church for the first time. Pastor Rob Carr
of North Oak Christian Church (NOCC) in north Kansas City kindly invited me to speak
in his absence, and I enjoyed worshiping with his warm and friendly congregation.
The primary founders of what
became the denomination known as the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) were
Thomas Campbell (1763-1854) and his son Alexander (1788-1866). Both were born
in Ireland and were Scottish Presbyterians. Thomas had become a minister before
he immigrated to Pennsylvania in 1807.
Two years later Thomas launched
a new movement for what he hoped would result in greater Christian unity, and
the group he gathered became the Brush Creek Church in 1811. Alexander, who had
come to the U.S. with his mother in 1809, was ordained by that church in 1812.
But later that year the Campbells came to believe in believers’ baptism, so
they were baptized by immersion.
With this latter emphasis, there
was a clear similarity with Baptists, with whom the Campbells were associated
for several years. With their re-baptism, there was also a clear similarity
with the Anabaptists, now mostly represented by the Mennonites. Of course,
there was a great difference between being re-baptized in 16th
century Switzerland and in 19th century Pennsylvania. In the former
there was no separation between church and state, and many Anabaptists were
persecuted and even killed because of their re-baptism. But the Campbells did
not have to suffer because of their rejection of infant baptism.
The title of my sermon yesterday
was “Are You a Disciple of Christ?” I assumed most of the people I spoke to
were Disciples of Christ church members. But the point of the sermon was about
being a disciple of Christ with a lower-case d. The message was based on the first Lectionary reading for the
day, Acts 4:5-12. I also used verses 13 and 20 from the same chapter as well as
Acts 5:29, where Peter and the other apostles exclaimed, “We must obey God
rather than humans!”
Being a disciple of Christ means
to put allegiance to God above the claims of all human institutions and “isms,”
above politics or recreation, and even above family or religion if, or when,
any of those claim allegiance over commitment to God. Further, being a disciple
of Christ means to love others as Christ loved us, accepting and nurturing
others just as Christ did (see Matthew 11:28-29).
So, are you a disciple of Christ?
I pray that God will help us all this week and in the years ahead to become
better disciples of Christ with a small d.
What do each of us need to do differently this week to make that come to pass?